I Don’t Know Why You Say “Goodbye” I Say “Hello”

Friday, June 30th was our last day with QSC. We had been their manufacturers’ rep for longer than any other. We were also the last firm representing QSC in the U.S. I am quite proud of the work QSC and The Farm did together over the 23-plus years we worked as a team.
Our first year of QSC, we might have sold a little over $2 million. Our last year of QSC, let’s just say it was a little more than that. Just a little. Instead of six people, we had 30. What a rocket ride. QSC suggested we invest in QSC, and every time we did, it paid off.
Something magical about QSC is their willingness to listen. Not just listen, but act upon what they had heard. We had actual customer input into what was happening. Sometimes we received some credit for it. Sometimes we did not. I can tell you that as recent as this InfoComm show, changes were made that were at least influenced a bit by me.
A few years ago, QSC decided to change their sales system. They were using independent contractors and they wanted to switch to W-2 employees. It was that simple. They made the change everywhere in the U.S. right away with one exception, The Farm. We do representation just a little differently. We also had made massive commitments to QSC in terms of systems and personnel. The acquisition of The Farm by Midwich, and subsequent merger with Starin Marketing resulted in QSC finally realizing their U.S. strategy – and no longer operating legacy systems just for The Farm. We get it. We suspected this might happen.
So, our last day came and went with QSC last week. Just about 24 years came to an end with almost zero fanfare. Bottom line, we are no longer your QSC reps. I am not certain that QSC has told you directly, but now you know.
We are now a Q-SYS distributor. In many cases, being a distributor means that we are going to sell to people that do not choose to be a direct Q-SYS dealer or do not qualify to be a direct Q-SYS dealer. It is a big commitment that Q-SYS direct accounts make, and in our role, we do not intend to undermine that commitment. I have spent my adult life supporting direct Q-SYS dealers. I do not wish to compete with my best friends. The Q-SYS dealer community has kept us in business. That means everything.
That being said, we have to sell things to make money. That is how business works, don’t ya know. So, if we are not going to sell Q-SYS exclusively to those that have not made the big commitment, who are we going to sell it to?
Well, in many cases, YOU! We still have the largest Q-SYS programming team there is. Now we have access to the “other stuff” that goes into 90% of AV installations. In many cases, just writing a single PO will make sense. We are counting on that. It is why distribution makes sense for so many of the largest brands in audio/video. Q-SYS thinks it makes sense for them. We are not here to just serve those that don’t step up their game. Quite the opposite. We are there to serve those who have fully stepped up and want to take that next big step in serving large enterprise business.
So today we say “Welcome” to Q-SYS… as we say farewell.
Q-SYS has expanded their technical support capabilities to make sure there is no disruption of service. They have a great team and do a fantastic job. That being said, we at The Farm know what it is like when you are onsite, far from home, and have to get done TODAY. If you are not getting what you need, please pick up the phone. We are happy to help.
We loved our time as the QSC and Q-SYS representatives. We love the fact that we get to continue working with Q-SYS long into the future.
-John Hood