B-Tech Mount mounts a monumental comeback  QSC creates a new culture in the clubhouse –  Prices continue to be checked, in game, for any foreign substances –  Fusion Research changes their walk-up music…again – 

– Fun with The Farm  –  A Fowl Poll  – 

B-Tech Mounts Have the A-Team

   Born in London in 1972, B-Tech is an AV mount company.  That’s what they do.  They make mounting solutions ranging from small, single screens to large 

format displays, projectors, speakers, interactive touchscreens as well as large, multi-screen video walls.  It’s what they have excelled at globally for decades.

  When they acquired an engaging, talented, and very experienced sales team (one might call them premier), The Farm was hooked.  We knew we wanted to represent this US team and their solutions.

So, what do you need to know about B-Tech?

  • They make virtually every type of mount for any projector or display
  • The call display carts “trolleys”
  • They have an online configuration tool for their System-X video wall mounting solutions
  • They have the universal display mount you’ve been buying lately and it’s probably less expensive and ready to ship
  • They don’t sell to the e-tailer channel
  • The have inventory of product at this very minute
  • They will answer the phone when you call

  Want their newest product reference guide?  Want to set up as a dealer?  Want to buy from Almo?  Let’s chat!  Call your Farm rep to discuss your B-Tech path today!

Farm Fun Fact #717

For the 30th consecutive year, Chris Wehba will not be observing Labor Day.

Developers Developing

  Have you been programming and pushing the boundaries with the Q-Sys platform?  Have you been looking for a place to create and collaborate with others doing the same thing?   Maybe you’ve been searching for a group of like-minded programmers to share with and learn from.

  QSC has been paying attention and created a place for those who want to experience any and all of that.

  It’s called QSC Communities for Developers.  It’s a hybrid online/live community that allows professionals and organizations to collaborate, create, and deliver on the “art of the possible.”


  At the Communities for Developers site you can simply share Q-Sys code or plugins, you can join group discussions about dozens of QSC, networked AV, and/or industry topics, or simply start an idea within a group.  The limit is simply your involvement. 

  There is no obligation, and there is no requirement of participation.  Simply go to QSC’s landing page for their communities and register today.

Price Increases

They stink and they keep happening.  Sometimes they aren’t coming in the form of a new price list.  Sometimes they are coming as an announcement of a temporary 3% or 5% increase.  QSC just announced one for 5% scheduled to begin on 9/10/21.  

  PLEASE confirm your costs prior to placing your orders.  It will save everyone many phone calls.  Thanks in advance, folks. 

Integrating Solos > Sonos 

  Okay, you are just about done with a fantastic AV integration project and the client says, “can I connect this to my Sonos system?”  Or, “how do I use my Spotify account on the new touch panel you built?”  Ugh…that would have been awesome to discuss three months ago.

  Before you go ballistic, go to fusionrd.com.  Fusion Research builds music servers for commercial environments.  More importantly, they allow you and your customer to stream premium content over their system AND control it using the Q-Sys platform.

  Using the Solo two-source music server or Duet three-source chassis (DO NOT QUESTION THE MATH), users can bring their preferred premium/commercial music service into the audio system.  Then they can use the Fusion Research plug-in that is available in Q-Sys Designer to build any or all controls in to their UCI.  Then deploy that on a QSC TSC panel or an iPad!  Now you are controlling playlists, genres, even switching between Sirius XM and Spotify via the UCI!

  Want to take a look?  Want to get pricing?  Call your Farm rep about the Fusion Research Solo and Duet today!

Farm Fun Fact #33

As in-person classes start across the West, we are reminded that despite Andrew Stanley’s claim otherwise, skipping 8th grade and not completing 8th grade are two different things.

no thanks

I remember walking into the lobby of a prominent Silicon Valley tech company.  It was one of probably 20 or 30 lobbies in the…

Do you trust a man whose beard is too perfectly groomed?

Last month, 58.3% of our voters believe listening to an audiobook counts as reading…that sounds about right.
