The Farm and Q-SYS Offer Training at 2023 Rocky Mountain Audio Video Expo (AVX)

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Introduction to Q-SYS Designer and Core Manager
This class is perfect for those who are unfamiliar with the Q-SYS environment. It provides an overview on how to discover a Q-SYS Core processor on the network and load a design. It also provides a basic overview of network configuration for the Core as well as how to utilize Core Manager to accomplish tasks such as loading a license and setting up Network Services. This class is eligible for 0.5 AVIXA CTS RU.
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM: Best Practices with Gain Structure & AEC
This class focuses on the proper gain structure within Q-SYS Designer Software. Learn advanced acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) configuration, proper signal flow, and deployment troubleshooting including a review of the most commonly made mistakes. This class is eligible for 0.5 AVIXA CTS RU.
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Planning Clocking Domains – Dante | Q-LAN | AES67
Hands-on instruction for planning clocking domains in your networked audio system. Learn how to properly integrate Dante, Q-LAN, and AES67 to all share a common clock on the same network while taking full advantage of the Software-based Dante software licenses. This class is eligible for 0.5 AVIXA CTS RU.
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Q-SYS Architect
Q-SYS Architect Training is an entry level to Q-SYS Ecosystem. It empowers you to specify your next Q-SYS installation, with no programming or commissioning knowledge required. Perfect for AV consultants, end-users, pre-sales engineers and those who design or specialty Q-SYS systems. This class is eligible for 2.0 AVIXA CTS RUs.
3:15 PM – 4:30 PM: Designing Q-SYS Solutions for Microsoft Teams Rooms
Learn to integrate Microsoft Teams Rooms into your large, high-impact AV spaces! This class will walk through the design and integration requirements to bring the Microsoft Teams Room Experience into divisible, large boardroom and classroom applications. This class is eligible for 0.5 AVIXA CTS RU.
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM: UCI and Control Fundamentals
The full-day class provides the fundamental skills required to build a control system in a hands-on Q-SYS environment. This class will cover user interface design, control system logic, and how to leverage feedback in Q-SYS to build a simple and dynamic control system. This class teaches students how to transform a provided DSP audio design to a full working control system in a single day! This class is eligible for 3.0 AVIXA CTS RU.